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  • Ground veal… lean, nutritious and versatile, create a delicious sauce with meatballs or just mix it up Bolognese style with your favorite pasta.  Also great as a stuffing for bell peppers.
  • Veal strips…try slicing veal cutlets into thin strips for a quick and delicious stir fry.
  • Low in saturated fat, high in iron, zinc and vitamin B12.
  • Family farm raised without the use of growth promoting hormones or steroids.

For a flavourful stir fry combine orange juice, soy sauce and ginger with veal cutlet strips and marinate for approximately 15-30 minutes or upto 2 hrs for intense flavour.
Drain and disgard marinade and preheat pan (wok) with a small amount of oil to coat pan. Cook veal strips quickly until just done and remove.
Add your choice of vegetables (sliced mushrooms, pepper strips, onions, snow peas etc.) and stir fry 2-3 minutes more.
Return veal to pan and heat through. Serve over noodle, rice or couscous.